Water Based Water Proofing Preparation of Exterior Wood

AquaProof WB™ is a water based water proofing preparation which has a unique “Depletable Surfactant Technology”. As the moisture evaporates from the treated wood surface our proprietary metal catalyst crosslinks with the surfactant making it inert and unable to continue to attract moisture.
Trade sales products made with this system have the following advantages:
AquaProof WB is a clear penetrating water repellent preparation that meets ASTM-D-4446 Water Repellent for Exterior Wood Protection
Water-based product can be custom formulated with the addition of resins and pigments to meet certain target performance and appearance criteria
Reduces water absorption and the associated swelling of wood
Provides dimensional stability and prevents cracking and checking of the wood
Provides dimensional stability and prevents cracking and checking
Is not a film-former which allows the substrate to breath
Clear formulation complies with ASTM D4446 anti-swelling effectiveness of water-repellent formulations
Can be formulated with pigments for exterior stains